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History of Jihad #2

Sacrificer           unknown
Sacrifice code       wfor0404
Sacrifice date       25 march 2009

History of Jihad #2

Islamic theology (sic) absolved all crimes if they were committed while fighting non-Muslims

While every nation has credited a penal code, the criminal mind of Mohammed devised a penal code in such a way that if a Muslim did anything against Islam, he was a Murtad (Apostate) and apostasy had only one punishment in Islam - death. But if a Muslim gangster committed any foul and heinous deed in order to bring victory to his gang (of Muslims), Islamic law forgave all those deeds in the name of they being the Jihad against the Non-Muslims (Kafirs) . Mohammed preached contempt for all non-Muslim and told his gangsters that the non-Muslims were living in ignorance (Jahiliyaa) and that he would lead his followers to enlightenment (Ailm or ilm). This enlightenment forgave all acts of rape, murder, torture, as long as they were committed against the non-Muslims (Kafirs). In all of Islam's existence of 1400 years very few have been able to recognize this heinous nature of Islam. Today those who are fighting the Muslims need to get an understanding of what they are up against, if they are to defeat the Muslim and destroy the threat of Islam once and forever.

What the Jihad Signifies

The battle of Badr marked the beginning of the Islamic terror of Jihad. The Muslims had begun their dirty work. the Jihad was on and on in earnest. Mohammed gave this name Jihad (from Jahada which in Arabic means struggle) to his war campaign. In reality it was not a struggle, it was in fact genocide against all humanity - since at that time except for the gang of small bandits at Median, everyone else was non-Muslim. This defeat of the Meccans in 624, was also the first victory for the forces of that evil genius Mohammed .

Lessons from the Battle of Badr :

In this battle Mohammed ordered for the water springs to be sanded up in this very first battle. This shows that he would stoop to any level to win a war. This is more appalling, since Mohammad masqueraded as a spiritual person, as a prophet of god. If any military commander like Alexander of Hannibal had used this tactic, it would have been a legitimate one to secure victory. But for a chap who claimed to be prophet of god to do this is beyond words. We do not know whether to call Mohammed shameful or shameless! This ruthless mentality was passed on to his followers and has become typecast with all Muslims today. So always expect any Muslim to stoop to any level Not just in battle, but even in day-to-day life. This is first lesson in the Legacy of Mohammed as evident in his first Battle at Badr.

The beginning of the Jihad and why Allah has no form

His being an evil genius was also seen in his decision of saying that Allah has no form. There was no lofty or abstract reason for this. This was a purely military tactic. With the Muslim object of worship having no form or shape (and no sense either!), while his Muslim gangsters would go about destroying idols and icons of other people, the Muslims presented no object to a victorious army to desecrate and destroy, since the Muslim fantasy of allah has no form and was not to be found anywhere, except in the perverted minds of the gangsters of Mohammed . This was psychological boost to the Muslim who could not be humiliated, in the way they humiliated others. This was the kind of humiliation which the pre-Muslim Quraish were to learn in a few years when Mohammed slyly capture Mecca.

The Battle of Uhud (3 A.H., 625 C.E.)

The Battle of the Uhud hill was an extension of the Battle of Badr. The Quraish who were frustrated at Mohammed 's continuing assaults on the Caravans, re-organized their forces and attacked Medina once again.

After .the defeat at Badr, the Quraish gathered a bigger forces comprising of all able-bodied Quriash men and attacked Mohammed at Uhud. In this war Mohammed promised victory to his followers and told them that as in the Battle of Badr, they would get to plunder the attacking Quraish, who always went to war well stocked with Tents, Carpets, and Cooking Utensils, But this lust for plunder was to make Mohammed taste a military defeat for the first time. He had placed a group of archers on a hillock to surprise the attacking Quriash army, while the main portion of the Muslim army would engage them below in the ravine. It so happened that the Muslim archers who were fighting from an elevation could force the Quriash to retreat. As the Quraish retreated, leaving behind their tents, cooking pots, carpets, the main part of the Muslim army which was facing the Quraish paused the fighting to collect this plunder left behind by the retreating Quriash. On seeing their comrades helping themselves to the abandoned wealth of the Quriash, the archers left their position on the hillock and came down to share in the spoils of war. On seeing that the attack of arrows had stopped, the Quriash re-grouped and attacked the Muslims who were by now busy looting the abandoned Quraish Camp. This led to a massacre of the Muslims and Mohammed himself was hurt by an attack from Khalid-ibn-Walid the Quraish general.. And the battle ended in defeat for Mohammed , who beat a hasty retreat into the fortified town of Madina.

Lessons from the Battle of Uhud:

Mohammed was basically a gangster, who in the initial stages found followers by waving the carrot of plunder before them. The first Muslims were those criminals who wanted to loot a harried and defeat enemy. So the level of morality was quite low, as also was war discipline. The fact that greed could get the better of the Muslims was the lesson for Mohammed from the Battle of Uhud. Henceforth, he made violation of discipline and retreat from a battle an offense punishable with death. This shows the ruthless character of Mohammed , who would be merciless with his own followers if they failed in the objective of defeating an enemy. This coercion played a no small role in the successive victories the Muslims had.

Wherever the Muslims were defeated, they had to massacred wholesale as happened at the Battle of Tours in France in 732. The Muslims could be either victorious or dead. So to defeat the Muslims they need to be fought to their deaths. A lesson America would do well to bear in mind in the War of Terror.

There is another lesson to be learnt from the Battle of Uhud. The Quraish who were led by Khalid-ibn-Walid, was an inveterate foe of Mohammed in those days and he almost had killed Mohammed at Uhud, but after Mohammed through his guile, made the Quriash weaker and finally overran Mecca, Khalid saw that he could express his ferocity only if he combined it with the malice and guile of Mohammed and so to continue his military career, he converted to Islam. After his conversion Khalid-ibn-Walid became a very fearsome Muslim general who led the Muslims to victory in the battle of Al Yarmuk against the Byzantines in 12 A.H.

(636 C.E.).Khalid's conversion and later success itself tells a tale that in the psychology of the Arabs, only if the powerful are also the successful and dangerous, they are respected. Khalid would not have converted to Islam, had he been able to slay Mohammed.at the battle of the Uhud hill or defeat him subsequently. Since Khalid could not defeat, Mohammed, he decided that the best way to ensure success for himself was to join the Muslims. Before his conversion, Khalid was ferocious like all Arabs, after his conversion, he also became malicious. Khalid's story has another lesson for those who fight the Msulims, that the Muslims only understand and respect strength and cruelty, they treat magnanimity, charity and noblesse with contempt. So the Americans and our allies, should have to re-invent the cowboy spirit and go for the scalps of the Muslims. If they want to earn the respect of the Arab-Muslims, they need to put the fear of death in them. Not individual death as the Arabs seek it in their martyrdom (genocide murder) operations, but through mass slaying of the Muslim through thermo-nuclear attacks, that would wipe out millions of them at one stroke. There is no other way to defeat the Arab-Muslims.

The Battle of the Trench (or Ditch)

In the following year the Quraish built and alliance of different Arab tribes to fight the Muslims. They enrolled the help of many tribes, among them were the Banu Ghaftan. This confederacy of tribes, attacked Medina with a huge army. This time the ruse used by Mohammed was to dig a ditch or a trench around the city of Medina, on the suggestion of his Persian follower Salman Farsi. The Persians had this practice of having trenches and moats dug around cities. But the Arabs were unaware of this since their battles were rarely against the few cities that existed in Arabia at that time. They were used to attacking passing caravans. When the Quraish confederacy approached Medina, they were confused by the Trench, since they were unaware of trench warfare, and they settled for a long siege. Now Mohammed applied his third trick of applying pressure selectively on the confederate army and promising the different confederates with friendship if they embraced Islam. While the punishment for anyone leaving Islam was death. An ex-Muslim was a Murtad and had to be killed. At The Battle of the Trench, in the beginning Mohammed 's overtures were met with scorn. But as the battle became a long drawn one, with the weather turning inclement with sandstorms, hail and rain, some of the confederates decided to withdraw from battle after accepting Islam as a pretext for withdrawing from the battle. The Quraish had not made the acceptance of Islam a punishable offense, the way Mohammed had ordained death for those leaving Islam. The first of the confederate tribe to fall for this was that of the Banu Ghaftan. After this one by one of the confederates withdrew. from the alliance by offering the pretext of embracing Islam. Finally the Quraish decided that the siege could not continue and lifted it to retreat to Mecca. Once the Quriash lifted the siege, Mohammed who had suspected some poet and balladeers in Madina who has formally declared themselves to be his followers (and had converted to his creed of Islam) of having sympathies with the attacking Quraish, ordered that they should be assassinated. Mind you, these poets were not combatants, they were balladeers, who loved the free worship of the pre-Islamic Arab society, and they decried Mohammed's tyranny thru their poems and ballads. That was enough for Mohammed to order their assassination. And they had to die not because they had picked up arms against the gangsters Mohammed, and in battle, but by a sinister plot to murder them when they least suspected that they would be done to death. The Islamic tradition to putting Murtads (apostates) to death had begun.

Lessons from the Battle of the Trench :

Here Mohammed used subterfuge, very effectively to undermine a confederacy that was opposing hi. The Muslims were to use this tactic in several wars later on when the Arab contingents of the Persian (Sassanian) and the Byzantine Armies defected to the Arabs. And the Muslim contingents of the non-Muslim armies defected to the attacking Muslim army. So the lesson is that a Muslim's loyalty is only to his co-religionists, never ever to that of an army of a non-Muslim nation. Those non-Muslims who enroll Muslims in the army bring in traitors. The experience of the American with Muslim marines who have turned traitors is a latest illuminating example of the trend of subterfuge started by Mohammed in the Battle of the Trench. This is the lesson of the Battle of the Trench.

The Battle with the Jewish tribe of Banu Quraizah

After the Battle of the Trench, Mohammed turned on his favorite enemy the Jews. He had in the inception of his claims to being a prophet of some god, has tried to court favor with the Jews by telling them the had accepted Moses and Abraham as earlier prophets, he being the last one. He also asked the Kibla (direction of prayer) to be in the direction of Jerusalem. Later when the Jews refused to accept him as a prophet, he changed this direction from Jerusalem to Mecca (after the conquest of Mecca). As the Jews kept resisting his claim as a prophet, he decide to teach them a lesson. He started with the richest of the Jewish tribes the Banu Quraizah who had earlier promised to help Mohammed if the Quraish attacked him. But the gave only half hearted help during the three battles at Badr, Uhud and Trench, so now Mohammed wanted his revenge on the Jews. they had violated the terms of their agreement with the Muslims, and were guilty of high treason they could no longer be allowed to live in Madina. They were advised that they should lay down arms and migrate elsewhere. The Jews ridiculed the proposal. So Mohammed besieged their citadel. The siege lasted for twenty-five days. On the last day, Ali carried the citadel by assault. All Jews were taken captive. Mohammed verdict was that all male adults of the Banu Quraizah should be killed and their women and children should be sold as slaves and their property distributed among the Muslims. The Jews were then hacked to death, their heads were sawn off and the heads were piled before Mohammed .

Lessons from the Battle with the Jewish tribe of Banu Quraizah.

Here Mohammed ruthless and bloodthirsty nature was made evident. He exulted in the mass murder of the Jews and told his followers that appropriating the property and the women of the Jews was a legitimate booty for the Muslims. This was the practice the Muslim carry with them to this day, and any non-Muslim unfortunate enough to fall into the hands of the Muslims is beaten to death, as happened with the IDF soldiers of the Israeli army who were lynched at the beginning of the second Intifada of the Palestinians. It is today a common practice for the Muslim to dismember the bodies of the murdered enemies and carry body parts as souvenirs, dance over the corpses of slain enemies and distribute candy whenever Muslims kill non-Muslims. This is what we witnessed in across the Arab world and especially among the Palestinian on 9/11.

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