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Critical Podium Dewanand


Mind Aging By Brahma Mehrotra

Sacrificer           Brahma Mehrotra
Sacrifice code       wfor0339
Sacrifice date       25 march 2009

1- You react sharply when you are young.

2- However, as you grow beyond 55 years - you note that a bit of that grip is lost, continued year after year and then day after day.

3- It must not be construed that senior adults have no experience. Actually, they are richer, maintain that calmness in time of crisis, and so are more flexible.

4- They get back soon after a setback when over 55 years of age.

5- Many factors can impair memory and especially thinking that you getting old - it is most dangerous thinking.

6- To avoid mind aging never admit that you are old instead say that I an senior matured adult.

7- Move forward by looking back.

8- Alzheimer was first discovered in Germany in 1906.

9- Aging is ordinary and a biological fact and truth.

10- Dependency MUST be avoided at all costs.

11- What is mind aging? Is it genes? Is it on the diet? Is it on the environment?

12- Can mind aging be forestalled/slow down, and what are other age related diseases such as cancer, diabetes, mind aging [dementia/Alzheimer].

13- About aging there is nothing no one can do any thing. One will have to age. Now nutrition scientists have proved it that it can be slowed down which is coming year after year and day after day.

14- At 85 if you dare to drive then it is a proof that you got it slowed.

15- Constant exercise, not smoking, an ability to deal with stress, long standing religious belief, an independent spirit, eating habits, strong social contacts/ties are basics of getting it slowed down.

16- Family behavior is an added qualification.

17- Avoid damages done by from food, drink, tobacco, stress and the environment

18- Try to make a routine regime of these drinks and foods:

I - Cranberries, blueberries, blackberries - they are full of antioxidants, polyphenols. It has also anti-inflammatory qualities. A cup of berries a day will do.

II - Leafy greens - [such as bale, spinach, broccoli, cabbage etc.] - these are excellent anti oxidants. Making these daily routine in-take will mean a protection against macular degeneration of the optic nerves, thus protecting eyesight.

III - Almonds & Walnuts - A super source of omega-6 fatty acids, vitamin E etc. People who regularly consume nuts tend to have both a lowered risk of Parkinson's, heart attack and lower cholesterol. Fish eating gives omega-3, a
big source of controlling cholesterol.

IV - Flax seeds - It contains fiber and omega-3 fatty acids [alike in fishes] that keeps to clear plaque and bad fats from the cardiovascular system.

V - Regular physical activity has shown proven to reduce risk of heart attack, stroke, Alzheimer and some cancers. It also adds up longevity of life. It is a very powerful medicine.

19 - This is a monster statement to say that to slow down dementia is under your control.

20 - The most dramatic decline due to aging are in muscle strength. By avoiding
It or not doing it lowers our metabolism and expose us to greater risk of age
related diseases. Loss of muscle puts extra strain on the heart, altars regular metabolism [increasing the risk for diabetes] and can tip the balance of healthy lipids in the blood, leading to heart attack and stroke. It cuts risk of Alzheimer/ Dementia by greater percentage and blunt the symptoms of depression.

21 - Six hours sleep is enough to reduce strss hormones in the brain.

22- Learn to meditate. Learn Yoga.

Brahma Mehrotra


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