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Time metrics of Hindus science

Sacrificer           unknown
Sacrifice code       wfor0255
Sacrifice date       25 march 2009

Time metrics of Hindus
Sidereal metrics

A pranamu is the normal interval (With regards to time, an interval is
the duration between two events or occurances of similar events. It
is related to the mathematical concept of interval in that the
interval contains all of the points of time between the two events)
of blinking in humans, or approximately 4 seconds .

A vighadiya is 6 pranamus, or approximately 24 seconds

Aghadiya is 60 vighadiyas, or approximately 24 minutes

A muhurta (An important muhurta is the brahma muhurta, which is on
the 25th Nadiya or approximately two hours before sunrise. This time
is recommended in all practices of yoga as most apt for meditation)
is equal to 2 ghadiyas, or approximately 48 minutes.

A nakshatra ahoratram or sidereal day (An apparent sidereal day (is
the time it takes for the Earth to turn 360 degrees in its rotation;
more precisely, is the time it takes the vernal equinox to make two
successive upper meridian transit. This is slightly shorter than a
solar day; there are 366.2422 sidereal days in a tropical year, but
365.2422 solar days, resulting in a sidereal day of 86,164.09 seconds
(or: 23 hours, 56 minutes, 4.09 seconds) is exactly equal to 30
muhurtas (Note: A day is considered to begin and end at sunrise not

Small units of time used in the vedas

A leekshakamu is 1/60th of a pranamu, or 1/15th of a second;
a lavamu is 1/60th of a leekshakamu, or 1/900th of a second;
a renuvu is 1/60th of a lavamu, or 1/54,000th of a second;
a truti is 1/60th of a renuvu or 1/3,240,000th of a second.

Lunar metrics

A Tithi In vedic timekeeping, a tithi (also spelled thithi) (is a
lunar day, or the time it takes for the longitudinal angle between
the moon and the sun to increase by 12°. Tithis begin at varying
times of day and vary in duration from approximately 19 to
approximately 26 hours. There are 30 tithis in each lunar month)
a paksa or lunar fortnight consists of 15 Tithis

A masa or lunar month is divided into 2 pakshas: the one between new
moon Traditionally, (the lunar phase new moon begins with the first
visible crescent of the Moon, after conjunction with the Sun. This
takes place over the western horizon in a brief period between sunset
and moonset. Therefore the time and even the day depend on the actual
geographical location of the observer)is called gaura (bright) or
shukla paksha; the one between full moon and new moon krishna (dark)

2 lunar months are 1 Ruthu There are six ritus or Indian seasons in
the Hindu calendar. The Season Hindu months 1 hemanta pre-winter
margashiirSha to pouSha December to February2 shishira Winter maagha
to phaalguna February to April3 vasanta Spring chaitra to vaishaakha
April to June4 griiShma Summer jyeShTha to aashaaDha June to August5
varSha Rainy shraavaNa to bhaadrapada August to October6 sharat
Autumn aashviiiyuja to kaartika October to December

3 Ruthus are 1 Aayanam

2 Aayanas are 1 year
(A year is the term for any period of time that is derived from the
period of the orbit of the Earth (or indeed any planet) around its
(sidereal year: the actual period for the Earth to complete one
revolution of its orbit, as measured in a fixed frame of reference
(such as the fixed stars). Its duration is on average:365.256363051

Also a day was divided into 8 Prahara and each Prahara into 6 Danda
(You may see from this that the Danda was about half an hour)

Each Danda into 25 Laghu
Each Laghu into 10 Kastha
Each Kastha into 5 Ksana
Each Ksana into 3 Nimesa
Each Nimesa into 3 Lava
Each Lava into 3 Vedha
and finally each Vedha into 100 Truti

The Truti was a very fine division of time equal in the modern way
euaal to 300th of a second. It is quite remarkable that the ancient
peoples of India had such a fine division of time and perhaps it can
be attributed to their yoga and philosophy,other large divisions of
time to the above two along with atronomical observations.

Also a day is DERIVED according to Yoga as:

10 long syllables (gurvakshara) = 1 respiration (prana)
6 respirations = 1 vinadi
60 vinadis = 1 nadi
60 nadis = 1 day

Smallest measure of time Paramanu 60,750th of a second
Other measure of time Krati 34,000th of second
Truti 300th of a second
Nimesa 16/75th of a second
Vipal 2/5th of a second
Ksan 1 second
Pal 24 seconds
Minute 60 seconds
Ghadi 24 minutes
Hora Hour 60 minutes
Divasa Day 24 hours
Saptaha 7 days (week)
Masa four weeks (month)
Varsa twelve Months (Year)
Satabda One hundred Years (Century)
Sahasrabda One thousand Year Millennium)
Deva yuga 12,000 years


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