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History of the Koran = Proof of Fraud

Sacrificer           unknown
Sacrifice code       wfor0250
Sacrifice date       25 march 2009

History of the Koran = Proof of Fraud

In the introduction to his book on the Koran, the author N.J. Dawood,
himself a Muslim, notes that "For Muslims it (the Koran) is the
infallible word of God, a transcript of a Tablet preserved in heaven,
revealed to the prophet Mohamad by the Angel Gabriel. Except in the
opening verses and some few passages in which the Prophet or the
Angel speaks in the first person, the speaker throughout is
God............ At the Kaba, the Meccans worshipped not only Allah,
the Supreme Semitic God, but also a number of female deities whom
they regarded as the daughter of Allah ............ According to
Muslim tradition one night in Ramadhan, about the year 610, as he was
asleep or in a trance, the Angel Gabriel came to him and
said 'Recite'. He replied 'what shall I recite ?' The order was
repeated three times, until the angel himself said 'Recite the name
of your Lord who created man from clots of blood'. (Koran means
recital). God speaks in the first person plural which often
changes to the first person singular or the 3rd person singular in
the course of the same sentence. 'Recite. 'Your Lord is the most
beautiful one, who by the pen taught man what he did not
know'? ......When he awake, these words, we are told, seemed to
be 'inscribed upon his heart'...... Mohamed, who disclaimed the
power to perform miracles, firmly believed that he was the messenger
of God sent forth to confirm previous scriptures. The Koran accused
the Jews of corrupting the scriptures, and the Christians of
worshipping Jesus as the Son of God...... The Koranic revelations
followed each other at brief intervals and were at first committed to
memory by professional remembrancers. During Mohamed's lifetime
verses were written on palm

leaves, stones and any material that came to hand. Their collection
was completed during the Caliphate of Omar, the 2nd Caliph, and an
authorized version was established during the Caliphate of Othman,
his successor (644-56)... the chapters were arranged generally in
order of length, the longest coming first and the shortest
last ...... The Koran contains many statements which, if not
recognized as altogether obscure, lead themselves to more than one
interpretation ...... About the cryptic Arabic letters which head
certain chapters of the Koran ...... various theories have been put
forward by Muslim and Western scholars to explain their meaning but
none of them is satisfactory ...... No one knows what they stand for.
Traditional commentators dismiss them by saying Allah alone knows
what he means by these letters".'

That in short is a general history of the Koran. Let us now
critically examine it.

(1) The statement that the Koran is the infallible word of God is
untenable since the Koran contains numerous letters, words and
statements which nobody understands.

(2) Since the Koran was ostensibly given out in Arabic it was
obviously intended only for the Arabs and not for anybody else since
Arabic was not a universal language.

(3) It is known that Mohamed could neither read nor write. If then he
used to sit alone in a dark cave meditating who used to take down the
long passages inspired in his mind ?

(4) It is said that such inspired passages were written down (by
whom ?) on brick, stone, wall, or on any surface with anything. If
that is so, Arabic scribbling scratched

Footnote- (1) Pp. 9-10. Introduction to the book-THE KORAN, by N. J.
Dawood, Penguin Classics, 4th revised edition, 1974.

on such rough and nondescript surfaces with crude devices would never
be decipherable.

(5) How was such heterogeneous material, scattered over different
places and left to the mercy of the weather and intruders, ever
collected together ? What guarantee was there that all such
written record was collected together and nothing was left out and
nothing was added ?

(6) How can such a heterogeneous record namely, tile, brick, stone
and plaster of vastly varying sizes be ever kept together for 20
years ? It will all look like junk and debris and get mixed up with
other junk and debris.

(7) Why did Allah make Mohamed a vehicle or medium for the
transmission of such a voluminous text when Allah knew that Mohamed
could neither read nor write ? Or at least why did not Allah turn
Mohamed into a great scholar-scribe overnight and provide him with
good stationery which could be properly filed ?

(8) Since the present Koran took shape at the time of the third
Caliph i e. 20 years after Mohamed's death it is apparent that the
Koran did not exist during Mohamed's own time and that therefore, the
Koran as it is now compiled isn't the one Mohamed on earth heard from

(9) In any case since the Koran is not arranged in the order in which
it was delivered but has been manhandled and its chapters have been
serialized lengthwise from the longest to the shortest obviously the
present Koran upsets Allah's own order and therefore does not have
Allah's authority, sanction or consent in the least. Things certified
pure are invariably certified as 'untouched by hand'. In the case of
the Koran it is all mixed up by several human hands violating Allah's
own order and therefore the entire text has been messed up by
ordinary Muslim mortals. Profuse adulteration must also be presumed.

(10) How could the heterogeneous debris of brick, tile and stone
bearing the Koranic record be preserved in its proper order for two
or three decades ? Which was the place in which it was stored ?
If there was any such store it should have been famous as a
place of sacred pilgrimage. But there isn't any such.

(11) How could such scratched, etched and scribbled record be
readable after three decades ? The writing if there was any or
whatever it was could never be decipherable after 20 years. The
writing would absolutely vanish due to sandstorms, rain and shine or
get totally garbled. Moreover, the Arabic script is of a type which
can never withstand such weather-beating. The entire import of its
message can change if the outlines of Arabic lettering change even
slightly. Moreover, with crude scratching, scribbling and etching no
profound, lengthy, spiritual text can ever be recorded in the Arabic
or any script.

(12) And one very important and penetrating objection is that if the
Koran is the transcript of a tablet in heaven (as it is claimed to
be) and was delivered in a particular sequence what right did the
compilers, 20 years later, have to change the entire order and put
any chapter anywhere ? That was a flagrant violation of the sequence
meant for the Koran by both Allah and his messenger, Mohamed.
Once the Koran has been so mixed and messed up in violation of its
sequence in the heavenly tablet what validity, relevance and sanctity
can the present Koran have ? Obviously none. Does not the recitation
of a jumbled up and manhandled Koran constitute an insult to Allah
and Mohamed ?

Yet another facet of the sane issue is that if the wording and the
chapters of the Koran are such as to make no difference
to anybody even if read or recited in any sequence.

That implies that the subject-matter of the Koran does not deal with
any step by step, logical argument where every succeeding statement
proceeds from the preceding one. This indicates that the successors
to Mohamed have treated the Koran as a rubble-bubble conglomt rate of
a wording all jumbled up in a bundle. One wonders how true Muslims do
not repudiate such a Koran and brand its compilers as Kafirs !


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