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De TPS-Lean Six Sigma workshop

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    We informeren u graag omtrent onze TPS-Lean Six Sigma workshop. Indien u hierover niet meer geinformeerd wenst te worden, klik dan hier Afmelden TPS International.

    TPS-Lean Six Sigma heeft betrekking op sneller, beter, goedkoper, slimmer en resultaat gerichter werken. Het is een nieuw management concept dat onlangs door prof. dr.ir. Hubert Rampersad succesvol in de US is gelanceerd en daar momenteel furore maakt. Onderstaande figuur toont hoe kwaliteitsprincipes op basis van deze nieuwe methode is geëvolueerd.

    Sigma driehoeks model

    Hierbij twee quotes uit Nederland omtrent deze nieuwe holistische aanpak:

    The TPS - Lean Six Sigma book is a synergetic approach and business perspective for leading companies; a major contribution in the cohesive development of organizations. By aligning and combining human and organizational interests Hubert Rampersad and Anwar El-Homsi created a thorough concept for successful improvement of organizational and human behaviour. Enjoy the richness of the content and you will understand that implementing TPS-LSS generates self propelling engagement and related results. -- Ad Rutten, Executive Vice President & COO, Schiphol Group, Amsterdam Airport Schiphol, the Netherlands.

    "TPS - Lean Six Sigma is an excellent book on a topic that is so important in today's business climate. It describes in a very pragmatic and structured way how to improve company performance and personal satisfaction of employees by aligning company- and personal objectives. Optimizing business processes and enhancing personal engagement does not only result in an enhanced performance but also addresses sustainability of realized improvements over time. A highly readable and useful book". -- Paul Stuyvenberg Vice President Corporate Quality Management, ASML, the Netherlands.

    prof. dr.ir. Hubert Rampersad gaat op 5 maart a.s. de eerste TPS-Lean Six Sigma executive workshop in Nederland verzorgen op basis van het onderstaande programma. De training is in het Nederlands. De follow-up van deze eendaagse training omvat 'TPS-Lean Six Sigma Green Belt, Black Belt and Master Black Belt certification programs". Belangstellenden dienen zich hiertoe vooraf aan te melden, via fax: +1-714-464-4498 of info@total-performance-scorecard.com. Reservering geschiedt in volgorde van binnenkomst. De condities voor deelname aan dit uniek programma treft u in onderstaande flyer aan.

    Wij verheugen ons u bij deze gelegenheid te mogen verwelkomen.

    Met vriendelijke groet,

    Rodney Wayne

    TPS Consulting Netherlands BV
    Riet Blom-Mouritsstraat 27
    3066 GL Rotterdam

    Executive TPS-Lean Six Sigma Workshop
    March 5, 2008, Rotterdam, Netherlands
    Based on a
    New Groundbreaking Lean Six Sigma Book TPS-Lean Six SigmaLinking Human Capital to Lean Six Sigma A New Blueprint for Creating High Performance Companies

    Click to enlarge:

    Advance Praise for TPS-Lean Six Sigma:

    "Hubert Rampersad and Anwar El-Homsi combine the power of Lean Six Sigma with an approach that stresses the importance and need of developing an organizational structure and philosophy that combines the goals of and aspirations of the individual with those of the company……During my 38 years of business experience, I've seen many well developed management concepts being applied without success and that have failed to recognize the importance of aligning the needs and aspirations of employees with those of company objectives. The TPS-Lean Six Sigma concept offers a systematic process of continuous improvement and development of personal and organizational performance with potential for breakthrough results". --- Ricardo A. Gonzalez Director Worldwide Purchasing, EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY, USA

    "Successful implementation of Lean Six Sigma relies on people up and down the organization working together to achieve quality. Despite best intentions, the importance of the human element in the overall implementation scheme can be overshadowed by a focus on the tools. Hubert Rampersad and Anwar El-Homsi have written the most important book yet on creating a culture of Lean Six Sigma. It clearly spells out how to address the issues and challenges associated with implementing a comprehensive and effective Lean Six Sigma program". --- Stephen Haight, Vice President Global Quality, Bausch & Lomb, USA

    "Hubert Rampersad and Anwar El-Homsi continue their superb integration of business, project, and personal life in their new book. Their disciplined, logical, and scorecard approach to melding business and personal lives will be a major benefit to companies, leaders, and employees. The new book is full of examples, tools, and exercises that will help individuals discover and align their personal vision and mission to the company where they work. This book links the lean six sigma profession with human capital in a fully integrated and through way".--Dave Ulrich, Professor of Business, University of Michigan, and Partner, The RBL Group. He was ranked as #1 management educator and guru by Business Week, #2 among management thinkers by Executive Excellence, and listed by Forbes as one of the "world's top five" business coaches.

    TPS-Lean Six Sigma puts heart in the (Lean) Six Sigma process. It's designed for human beings and integrates both process and people to achieve maximum results.-- Marshall Goldsmith is a world renowned executive coach and the author of the New York Times best seller What Got You Here Won't Get You There. He is recognized by the American Management Association as one of 50 great thinkers and leaders who have impacted the field of management over the past 80 years.

    "This book packs a big punch. Any company interested in improving their quality processes fast needs to incorporate its message." - - Paul Bracken, Professor of Management, Yale School of Management

    The major difference between two companies in the same industry lies not with the machines they use, not with their locations, not with their advertising campaigns, and not with their buildings, but rather with the people who work there--their skills, their talents, the processes they carry out, and especially with the motivation they bring to the job. TPS - Lean Six Sigma provides a guidepost for executives to craft an organization that both celebrates individual differences while molding disparate individuals into an efficient team executing the right processes smartly. It was once said of a great sports coach (Bum Phillips) that "he could take 'hissen' and beat 'youren' or he could take 'youren' and beat 'hissen'." TPS - Lean Six Sigma will teach you how to do that: how to build upon widely ranging individual strengths so as to combine them into a set of efficient and effective performers who deliver value with no waste and target precisely what customers desire.-- Professor Francis D.Tuggle, Ph. D., Argyros School of Business and Economics, Chapman University, California

    "Aligning personal goals with organizational goals in the deployment of Lean Six Sigma is brilliant! This book will help many organizations whose deployment of Lean Six Sigma was not as they had anticipated and will make the journey much more rewarding for those just starting." -- Reginald Stewart, Quality Officer and Six Sigma Master Black Belt, University of Rochester, Strong Memorial Hospital, USA

    "TPS-Lean Six Sigma is a wonderful, thought provoking concept that we will incorporate into all of our quality training. Lean Six Sigma has helped many of our customers improve their product or service. It is my hope that with TPS-Lean Six Sigma, we can now begin to address how these quality tools affect the most important part of any organization, its people."-Charles J. Caples, Program Director Workforce Development, Monroe Community College, USA

    Executive TPS-Lean Six Sigma Workshop
    This workshop focuses on executives and managers and covers the following topics:
    · TPS-Lean Six Sigma concepts and philosophy
    · Personal, Organizational and Project balanced scorecard
    · How to coach Champions and Belts effectively
    · Personal coaching based on the PBSC
    · How to create an atmosphere of trust, commitment, teamwork, creativity, and learning within project teams, based on TPS-Lean Six Sigma
    · Personal effectiveness and employee engagement
    · Employee performance and effective talent management
    · TPS-Lean Six Sigma deployment
    · TPS-Lean Six Sigma tools and techniques
    · TPS-Lean Six Sigma Green Belt, Black Belt and Master Black Belt certification programs

    Program Benefits
    You will:

    · be able to create sustainable breakthrough in both the service and manufacturing industries

    · be able to successfully address the primary concerns of manufacturing and service in a sustainable and a more holistic way.

    · be able to design, implement, and deploy customer and human focused TPS-Lean Six Sigma initiatives in your organization

    · be able to manage your TPS-Lean Six Sigma project successfully

    · learn techniques to increase employee/project member's engagement and develop a happy workforce of committed employees/project members

    · create conditions for a real learning organization and a High Performance Culture

    · improve your coaching skills to maximize the personal development of your employees/project members and to manage, develop and utilize their talents effectively

    · improve their ability to work productively and harmoniously together as a team and create quality results

    · be able to stimulate their personal integrity, work-life balance, passion, and enjoyment at work

    · be able to stimulate individual and team learning and sustainable performance improvement and quality enhancement.

    - drive transformational change in your organization and business results due to the transformation in employee's motivation and engagement

    Keynote Speaker

    prof. dr.ir. Hubert Rampersad, B.S., M.Sc., Ph.D. is an internationally respected and recognized consultant in the field of Organizational Behavior, Performance Management, and HRM. He is president of TPS International Inc. in the USA and prominent author of the bestselling books "Total Performance Scorecard: Redefining Management to Achieve Performance with Integrity", "Personal Balanced Scorecard; The Way to Individual Happiness, Personal Integrity and Organizational Effectiveness", and 'TPS-Lean Six Sigma; Linking Human Capital to Lean Six Sigma - A New Blueprint for Creating High Performance Companies, translated in many languages. The title of his new book is "EFFECTIVE PERSONAL and COMPANY BRAND MANAGEMENT; A New Blueprint for Powerful and Authentic Personal and Company Branding". Dr. Rampersad is author of 10 other books and of more than 100 articles in leading journals. He is member of the Editorial Advisory Board of many international journals. He has been selected by the Marshall Goldsmith School of Management as one of the 35 distinguished thought leaders in the US in the field of leadership development. His views on happiness in life and work were published in BusinessWeek. Dr. Rampersad has conducted workshops and seminars for leading companies such as: Nokia, Philips Electronics, Lucent Technologies, and Shell Oil Company. He is a world class keynote speaker at various conferences. If you would like to keep track of the latest developments about his work, please visit his website at www.Total-Performance-Scorecard.com and his Blog:rampersad.wordpress.com.

    Fee: 950 EURO
    Includes seminar documentation, signed copy of the book "TPS-Lean Six Sigma; Linking Human Capital to Lean Six Sigma", refreshment breaks, lunch and happy hour drinks

    N.B. Seats are guaranteed by FULL payment within 7 business days before the start of the seminar. Please register early to ensure your seat at this seminar
    Enrolment is limited. When three or more people from the same company register at the same time, every member of the team receives a 10% discount

    Fill out the registration form below and mail to: info@total-performance-scorecard.com Or fax the completed form to:


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